NEWS 2024-05-14 05:23:28

Cai Dianwei Led a Delegation to Tanzania for Inspection and Exchange

Cai Dianwei Led a Delegation to Tanzania for Inspection and Exchange

time:2024-05-14 05:23:28views:850

To implement the “Belt and Road” Initiative, actively integrate into the construction of the “China-Africa Economic and Trade In-depth Cooperation Pilot Zone,” and help  realize the beautiful blueprint of "three highlands and four new missions", from May 11th to 14th, Cai Dianwei, HCIG Chairman, led a delegation to Tanzania to carry out a series of research and investigation activities, supervise project construction, and express condolences to front-line employees.


At the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania, Cai Dianwei led a delegation to hold a discussion with Chu Kun, Counselor of the Embassy's Economic and Commercial Office, on HCIG’s business and production in Tanzania, and discussed the future market prospects in Tanzania.

Chu Kun welcomed Cai Dianwei and his delegation, fully affirmed HCIG’s contribution to Tanzania's social and economic development over the past 20 years, and introduced Tanzania's development status and future market. He emphasized that China and Tanzania are traditional friendly countries, and hoped that HCIG would further increase its investment in the Tanzanian market and continue to promote bilateral cooperation to achieve more pragmatic results. The embassy would provide more support for HCIG’s various work.

Cai Dianwei thanked the Embassy and the Economic and Commercial Office for their long-term trust, guidance and support for HCIG, and introduced the overall situation of HCIG’s international business and its development status in Tanzania. He said that HCIG had completed a series of infrastructure construction projects such as roads, bridges, municipal and housing construction in Tanzania with high quality, and would continue to increase its efforts to develop the Tanzanian market under the guidance of the Embassy in the future. There are currently two projects under construction: the 33.61-kilometer road upgrade in Iringa Region and the sunflower oil processing plant in Dodoma. Cai Dianwei sincerely asked the Embassy to continue to pay attention and support.


At the Arusha Branch of the National Highway Administration, Cai Dianwei led the delegation to hold a discussion with Director Reginald Massawe.

Cai Dianwei first introduced the overall situation of HCIG's international business and the development of various businesses in Tanzania in recent years. He said that HCIG had carried out business in Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Iringa Region, Rukwa Region, Dodoma and other provinces. Arusha is the second largest province in Tanzania with huge potential for economic development. HCIG is willing to cooperate with the Highway Administration to contribute Chinese strength to the improvement of regional transportation facilities.

Reginald Massawe said that Arusha had broad market space in the fields of urban construction and infrastructure construction. He welcomed HCIG to give full play to its own advantages, increase investment in local construction, and promote the cooperation between the two sides to a new level. The two sides also had a full exchange of views on the specific project cooperation in the next stage.


Cai Dianwei and his team also visited the 33.61-kilometer road upgrading project in Iringa Region to supervise the project construction. At the project site, Cai Dianwei expressed his gratitude and cordial greetings to the hard work of 19 Chinese employees and nearly 200 foreign employees.


Regarding the next steps of the project team, Cai Dianwei emphasized that, first, we must respond to the owner's requirements and strictly control safety and quality; second, we must establish a good image and strengthen team building; third, we must strengthen brand building and enhance core competitiveness.

During his stay in Tanzania, Cai Dianwei also accompanied the leaders of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission to investigate and supervise the construction of the sunflower oil processing plant project.

Relevant persons in charge of the International Cooperation Department of HCIG Group, SHICO, Hunan No. 6 Engineering Co., LTD, HNRB, SH Capital and other relevant persons in charge participated in the relevant activities.