NEWS 2023-10-09 02:35:57
time:2023-10-09 02:35:57views:20582
To optimize the layout of our international business market and expand our high-quality national markets, Liu Yiqi, chairman of SHICO, led a team in conducting market inspections in Algeria, Mauritania, and Saudi Arabia from September 25th to October 8th.
During the visit, Liu toured foreign embassies, Chinese chambers of commerce, and related central enterprises in the countries where HCIG operates to discuss the global business situation, market prospects, and potential collaboration opportunities for HCIG in those countries. Liu and his delegation conducted in-depth research at the project production site to examine the construction environment, material organization, labor management, and gather firsthand information.
During the visit, Liu and his delegation visited relevant government and industry authorities in their respective countries to advance collaboration on specific projects and accomplish the desired objectives.
Ye Jingyu and Yi Yaqin, directors of HCIG, conducted the inspection with the participation of relevant officials from Hunan Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd., Hunan Construction Investment Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd., SHICO Strategic Development Department, HCIG UAE branch, and HCIG Ghana branch.